AP 100 - Three Year Education Plan
AP 101 - Annual Education Results Report
AP 102 - School Annual Education Plans and Results
AP 106 - Restitution for Loss of Personal Property
AP 120 - Policy and Procedures Dissemination
AP 121 - Administrative Procedures Development Review
AP 132 - Inclement Weather and Other Emergencies
AP 140 - Technology and Network Responsible Use
AP 141 - Portable Technology Security
AP 142 - Student Information System Security
AP 145 - Use of Personal Communication Devices (PCDs)
AP 152 - Parent and Public Inquires
AP 153 - Advertising in Schools
AP 154 - Political Campaigning in Schools
AP 155 - Protocol for Trustee Recognition at School or Public Events
AP 158 - Administration of Naloxone-Narcan Nasal Spray
AP 160 - Health and Safety of Staff and Students
AP 160 Appendix A - Universal Procedures
AP 160 Appendix C - First Aid Training and Supplies Minimum Requirements
AP 160 Appendix D - Required Contents of First Aid Kits
AP 160 Appendix E - First Aid Frequently Asked Questions
AP 160 Appendix F - Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
AP 160 Appendix G - Health and Safety Practice
AP 160 Appendix H - Work Refusal and Stopping Dangerous Work
AP 161 - Communicable Diseases
AP 161 Appendix - List of Communicable Diseases
AP 162 - Smoke Free Facilities
AP 162 Appendix - Smudging and Pipe Ceremonies
AP 163 - Use of Alcohol in Division Schools
AP 165 - Emergency Preparedness
AP 166 - Pandemic Emergency Response
AP 166 Appendix A - Divison Pandemic Plan
AP 169 - Trespassing and Loitering in Schools
AP 171 - Student Harassment and Discrimination
AP 172 - Health and Safety Committee
AP 172 Appendix A - Health and Safety Committee Terms of Reference
AP 180 - Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy
AP 180 Appendix A - Collection of Person Information Notice
AP 181 - Video Surveillance of Facilities and Property
AP 182 - Video Surveillance on School Transportation Vehicles
AP 185 Appendix A - Schedule of Records Retention and Disposal
AP 200 - Organization for Instruction
AP 203 - High School Course Sequence Transfers
AP 205 - Controversial Issues in Education
AP 206 - Human Sexuality Education
AP 210 - Early Childhood Services
AP 210 Appendix A - Ages for Funding Eligibility in ECS Programs
AP 211 - English as an Additional Language
AP 212 - French as a Second Language
AP 213 - French Immersion Programs
AP 213 Appendix A - Staffing for Specialized Second Language Teaching Positions
AP 214 - Inclusive Education Programs
AP 219 - Locally Developed Courses
AP 222 - Institutional Services
AP 250 - School Libraries (Learning Commons)
AP 251 - Challenge to Learning Materials
AP 260 Appendix A - Field Trip Approval Requirements
AP 260 Appendix B - Curricular Field Trips
AP 260 Appendix C - Extra Curricular Programs
AP 260 Appendix D - Risk Levels for Student Travels, Field Trips, and Off-Campus Activities
AP 260 Appendix E - International Field Trips
AP 302 - Admission of Adult Students
AP 303 - Admission of Out-of-Province Students
AP 304 - International Students
AP 304.1 - Student Exchange Programs
AP 305 - School Attendance Areas
AP 305 Appendix A - Map of Attendance Boundary
AP 307 - Out-of-Division Student Placement
AP 310 - Supervision of Students
AP 315 - Illness and Injury at School
AP 316 - Administration of Medication and Medical Treatment to Students and Third Party
AP 317 - Protection of Those with Life Threatening Allergies
AP 318 - Pediculosis (Head Lice)
AP 318 Appendix A - Health Information - Pediculosis (Head Lice)
AP 319 - Provision of Student Personal Care
AP 322 - Legal Custody of Children
AP 330 Appendix A - Attendance Pyramid
AP 331 - Student Dismissal Precautions
AP 339 - Service Dog and Education Assistance Animals in Schools
AP 340 - Specialized Services for Students and Children
AP 341 - Health Services for Students
AP 350 - Student Code of Conduct
AP 350 Appendix A - Positive Behaviour Support Planning Process Flow Chart
AP 350.1 - Development of Student Dress Code
AP 350.2 - Student Conduct on School Buses
AP 350.3 - Personal Mobile Devices and Social Media in Schools
AP 351 - Behaviour Support Planning Restraint and Seclusion
AP 352 - Interrogations and Searches
AP 353 - Cooperation with the RCMP
AP 354 - Student Substance Use
AP 355 - Student Suspension and Expulsion
AP 358 - Smoking and Tobacco Products
AP 359 - Welcoming Caring Respectful and Safe Learning Environments
AP 359.1 - Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
AP 360 - Student Assessment Grading and Reporting Guidelines
AP 361 - Promotion Placement Acceleration and Retention
AP 363 - Violence Threat Risk Assessment VTRA
AP 366 - Student Participation in Dual Credit Learning
AP 367 - Dual Credit Caution Fees
AP 370 - Student Awards and Scholarships
AP 375 - Graduation and Commencement Exercises
AP 381 - Student Political Clubs
AP 385 - Student Petitions, Demonstrations and Strikes
AP 395 - Resolving School-Level Complaints
AP 400 Appendix A - Operating Guiding Principles - Human Resources
AP 400 Appendix B - Police Information and Child Intervention Record Checks
AP 400 Appendix C - Employment Prerequisites
AP 400 Appendix D - Part Time Teaching Assignments
AP 404 - Conflict of Interest and Fraud Prevention
AP 406 - Certificate of Good Health
AP 408 - Safety and Clothing Allowance
AP 409 - Employee and Family Assistance Program
AP 410 - Progressive Staff Discipline
AP 411 - Deferred Salary Leave Plan
AP 411 Appendix A - Deferred Salary Leave Plan Agreement
AP 412 - Leaves for Assistance to Other Agencies
AP 414 - Employee Substance Abuse in the Workplace
AP 416 - Retirement Recognition
AP 417 - Employee Resignations
AP 418 - Supporting Employee Attendance
AP 420 - Teacher Job Description
AP 421 - Instructional Staff Recruiting
AP 422 - Teacher Growth Supervision and Evaluation
AP 423 - Administrator Growth Supervision and Evaluation
AP 424 - Professional Learning Opportunities for Instructional Staff
AP 425 - Reduction in Instructional Staff Work Force
AP 426 - Transition to Retirement Program
AP 427 - Teachers Working Summer and Holidays
AP 430 - Role of the Principal
AP 440 - Non-Instructional Staff
AP 441 - Evaluation of Non-Instructional Employees' Association Staff Members
AP 442 - Non-Instructional Support Staff Inservice and Development Programs
AP 443 - Reduction in Non-Instructional Staff
AP 444 - Transition to Retirement for Non-Instructional Employees
AP 445 - Guidelines for Non-Instructional Staff Who Accrue Vacation
AP 446 - Permanent Educational Assistants
AP 449 - Reduction in Professional Support Staff
AP 450 - Organizational Structure
AP 500 - Annual Division Operating Budget
AP 501 - Annual School Budgets
AP 503 - Fees Waiver, Refund and Unpaid Fees
AP 504 - Fundraising Requests from Charitable Organizations
AP 506 - Tuition and Service Fees
AP 507 - Customer Services Charges
AP 509 - Cash Management and Investments
AP 510 - Financial Accountability and Audits
AP 511 - School Generated Funds
AP 512 - Administration of School Collected Funds
AP 512 Appendix A - Major School Activity Budgets
AP 512 Appendix B - Student Activities Fund Management
AP 514 - Travel and Expense Reimbursement
AP 515 - Purchasing of Goods and Services
AP 516 - Employee Computer Purchase Plan
AP 518 - Disposal of Surplus Items
AP 519 - Surplus Land and Buildings
AP 521 - Non-Instructional Shift Differentials for Snow Removal
AP 525 - Educational Partnerships and Sponsorships
AP 525 Appendix A - Ethical Guidelines for Business - Educational Partnerships
AP 540 - Planning for School Facilities
AP 541 - Facilities Construction
AP 543 - Building and Ground Maintenance
AP 544 - Access to Building and Keys
AP 545 - Hazardous Chemical Management
AP 546 - Environmental Considerations
AP 547 - School Building Rental Fees
AP 547 Appendix A - Schedule of Facility Rental Rates
AP 549 - Personal Use of Division Equipment and Materials
AP 550 - Student Transportation Services
AP 551 - Optional User Pay Student Transportation
AP 552 - Chartering of Buses by Schools
AP 553 - Student Transportation in Private Vehicles
AP 560 - Use of Division Vehicles
AP 561 - Division Vehicles Accidents
AP 570 - Superintendent Contract Internal Controls