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10127 120 Ave., Grande Prairie, AB
T8V 8H8
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About Us

​​The Grande Prairie Public School Division Education Foundation was founded in 1991 to enhance educational opportunities for students in GPPSD and complement basic education services in the city's public schools.

Through The Foundation, donors (Friends of the Foundation) can collaborate to provide resources in areas not funded through government allocations to school boards. The Board of Directors works alongside Friends of the Foundation to enhance students' educational experiences.

Recent foundation initiatives:

  1. Nutrition Program - Providing nutritious snacks and meals as required for students who do not have access to healthy foods at home

  2. ​Striving for Excellence Awards Dinner - An opportunity to showcase students within our Division who have exhibited outstanding achievement or ​citizenship

  3. School Grant Program: From September to November each year, applications are accepted for special funding requests. The Board of Directors allocates funds for projects such as musical instruments, special field trips, specific after-school programs, tutoring initiatives, etc.

  4. Scholarships - Each year, Grade 12 students are awarded a variety of scholarships for career technology studies to support their post-secondary education

Who We Are

The GPPSD Education Foundation is a registered, non-profit charity. We collaborate with teachers, principals, and community leaders to deliver resources for learning initiatives not funded by traditional government funding for school boards.  

The GPPSD Education Foundation is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors from the education and business community.

Become a Friend of Education

When you donate to the foundation in support of students, you become a Friend of Education. Together, we will work to sustain important school programs and initiatives. Together, we can help every student succeed! 

Donate Today!

Please consider a one-time, annual, or even monthly donation. Donations can also be accepted in memory of a loved one or through bequests through life insurance or estates. 

Annual School Grant Program

  • Each year, our 18 schools are able to apply for funding for special projects, initiatives, equipment, programs, or events that regular school board allocated budgets are not able to fund.  Funding applications are accepted until November 10th of each year.  Each year $50,000 is awarded to our schools to help enhance the learning experience for our students.  

Nutrition Program

  • Meeting the needs of students by providing a healthy snack and lunch program in four GPPSD Schools
  • Supported in conjunction with the United Way Northwest Alberta, Community Foundation of Northwestern Alberta, local Rotary Clubs and individual and corporate donors


  • Career Technology Studies Scholarship ($1000 each): two grants for Charles Spencer High School, and two grants for Grande Prairie Composite High School
  • Weyerhaeuser Local Scholarship ($500 each): one grant for Charles Spencer High School, and one grant for Grande Prairie Composite High School
  • Indigenous Scholarship - one scholarship

Striving for Excellence

  • Annual awards dinner to recognize and acknowledge deserving students who have displayed school leadership and outstanding academics
  • Scholarships are also awarded at the Striving for Excellence Dinner 
  • Tickets are limited to awardees and their families. Extra tickets may be available, contact GPPSD's central office

Donate Today!

Find meeting minutes and annual reports here.

Board of Directors

​​The GPPSD Education Foundation could use your expertise as a Board Member.  If you would like more information about becoming a board member, please contact Shaundra Siebert @ 780 532 4491  ext.1006 

Donate Today!

Board of Directors

Angus Sutherland


Angus Sutherland

Dave McRae

Vice Chair

Dave McRae

Ken Belke


Ken Belke

Sandy McDonald


Sandy McDonald

Lorne Radbourne​​


Lorne​​ Radbourne​​

Lesley Craig


Lesley Craig

Brenda Howard


Brenda Howard

Tim Burnham


Tim Burnham


Norm Guindon


Donna Koch


Rob Martin

Executive Director

Shaundra Siebert