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Help for New GPPSD Families

These documents and videos are available to provide assistance to families new to the Grande Prairie Public School Division (GPPSD) with children enrolling in school for the first time, or who have children who are not currently enrolled in a GPPSD school. 

Within each help article there are instructions on how to complete the task of the article. Some articles have documents or videos available which are step-by-step directions to support navigation through our systems. 


You may also find answers to questions in the page below

Frequently Asked Questions

Further help can always be found by contacting your child's school or Grande Prairie Public School Division Central Office

Parents/Guardians will use SchoolEngage as their entry point for registering children to attend a GPPSD school.

SchoolEngage log in page with Create new account circled in red

SchoolEngage is accessible anywhere on the web.

New Families registering a child in GPPSD will use SchoolEngage, first time users will need to create an account to start the process. 

  • Open SchoolEngage
  • Click the words 'Create new account?'
  • Complete the information and submit
  • Look for the email to verify your account (check your junk mail if you don't see it)
  • Verify the account by clicking the link in the email
  • You will now be able to log back into SchoolEngage

Step-by-step instructions document


Families that have children who are not currently enrolled in a GPPSD school, but have attended a GPPSD school in the past, need to use the email they used previously with GPPSD and reset their password on the SchoolEngage account.

  • Open SchoolEngage
  • Click the words 'Forgot password?'
  • Look for the email to follow the steps to reset your password
  • You will now be able to log back into SchoolEngage

Contact your school for assistance.


SchoolEngage is available on your desktop computer or on your mobile device. For some forms a desktop device (New Student Registration) will be a better user experience, other form are fine to complete on your mobile device.

The following document will give you screen shots and information on how to log in, and maneuver in the Navigation menus to add students and complete forms for each.

Step-by-step instruction document

SchoolEngage log in page with email account in red

SchoolEngage is accessible anywhere on the web.

New Families registering a child in GPPSD will use SchoolEngage where first time users will need to create an account to start the process.

See 'Creating your SchoolEngage Account instructions' above if you need help.

  • Sign into SchoolEngage
  • Select 'Add Student' to add the new child
  • Select 'Student' in the menu
  • Select the students name in the student list that you wish to register
  • Select the 'New Student Registration Form' for the correct year from the Forms Menu on the right
  • Select 'New' for that form
  • Complete the New Student Registration Form

Step-by-step instructions document

Families that have children who are not currently enrolled in a GPPSD school, but have attended a GPPSD school in the past, need to use the email they used previously with GPPSD and reset their password on the SchoolEngage account. Contact your school for assistance.


Update January 2024 - as we transition to our new website, our videos are being updated and new ones will be posted as soon as available. This video may reference the old site GPPSD, but they will still show you how to navigate once past the introduction. Please follow the same directions, but the directions above on how to access SchoolEngage.

New families can apply to register their child in one of our many Programs of Choice. Many programs are offered at your boundary school. Visit your school website, and see Programs of Choice to see what is offered. 

Throughout the Division our schools host the following programs.

Programs of Choice:

  • KinderPAL (Kindergarten)
  • Late Entry French Immersion (for students going into Grade 5)
  • Academy (Grade 4 to 12 students, Hockey, Soccer, Dance and Golf)
  • Academy Athletics (Grade 4 to 12 students)
  • STEM Learning (Kindergarten to Grade 8)
  • Music Program Grade 5-8
  • International Baccalaureate Prep (Grade 9 & 10)
  • International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (Grade 11 & 12)
  • Apprenticeship Program (Cosmetology / Automotive) (Grade 11 & 12)

*Derek Taylor Public School is our only school that offers, KinderPAL, Academy, STEM and Music Program Grade 5-8. Other schools do have some combinations of Programs of Choice, check your school website under Programs of Choice to see what opportunities are available.


New Families can register their children for Programs of Choice by completing your child's New Student Registration Form online for the correct school year. Follow the steps above to create your SchoolEngage account and add your student.

  • Sign into SchoolEngage
  • Select 'Student
  • Select the 'New Student Registration Form' for the correct school year
  • On page 2 under the heading Programs of Choice, and click the 'I want to apply for my child to attend [Program]'

There may be subsequent forms to be completed depending on the Program of Choice which you will find in SchoolEngage under your Student.

Step-by-step instructions document

Grande Prairie Christian School logo

The Grande Prairie Christian School is a School of Choice in the Grande Prairie Public School Division the offers families a faith-based alternative program that provides strong Christian instruction integrated in a diverse selection of academic courses with prayer as a key focus in every class. To apply to have your child attend follow these steps

  • Create your SchoolEngage account: https://gppsd.schoolengage.ca.
  • Click ‘Add Student.’
  • Click ‘Student,’ and choose the child’s name you are registering.
  • From the forms menu on the right select the 'Christian Program Pre-screen' for the correct school year.
  • Complete and submit the form
  • The school will contact the parents/guardian to set up a Meet & Greet meeting and complete the process.

Step-by-step instruction document

When a New Family to GPPSD applies to register their child to attend school they will move from a New Family to a Current Family when the parent receives the following two emails.

Please check your junk mail if you do not receive these emails.

Once you have your PowerSchool Parent Portal access you will be to log in and access all the features of the PowerSchool Parent Portal as a Current Parent.

Step-by-step instructions document

Registration form Approval Email

Application status has changed

Greetings {parentFirstName} {parentLastName},

The form 2024-2025 New Student Registration for {studentFirstName} {studentLastName} has been Approved.

Once you receive the email with your PowerSchool Parent Portal User account details you will be able to log in to PowerSchool, select SchoolEngage and apply for busing if your child is eligible. See the Grande Prairie Public School Division Website for more information on Transportation  https://www.gppsd.ab.ca/transportation

SchoolEngage System Administration


PowerSchool Parent Portal Account has been Created Email

Parent Portal account has been created

Greetings {parentFirstName} {parentLastName},

You ParentPortal account has been created.

Going forward this will be how you access and view student attendance, student report cards and student forms including the form to apply for busing if your child is eligible (which will now be available), 

To login to your ParentPortal go to PowerSchool and use following credentials:
Username: {username}
Password: {password}


Grande Prairie Public School Division