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T8V 8H8
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Dual Credit

Alberta Education Dual Credit

Dual Credit programming allows high school students to earn both high school credits and credits that count towards a post-secondary certificate, diploma, or degree, and or a journeyman certificate. 

Dual Credit helps students to:

  • get a start on their post-secondary education while still in high school.
  • complete high school while engaging in meaningful curriculum.
  • transition to post-secondary studies or move into the world of work.
  • potentially complete post-secondary with less financial debt.

For more information, visit Alberta Education Dual Credit Website: https://education.alberta.ca/dual-credit/alberta-dual-credit/

Students and parents need to consider if Dual Credit programming is the right fit. Post-secondary courses have increased expectation and timelines that students will need to manage alongside their regular high school programming. 

Many of the courses incorporate on-line programming.  Students will be responsible for attending virtual or on-site sessions and meeting post-secondary timelines and expectations. 

In addition, the completion of post-secondary course/programs through Dual Credit has the possibility of affecting first year post-secondary awards, bursaries, scholarships, athletic standing, and experiencing limited transferability of some post-secondary programs. 

Students should always consult with their high school career counselor, or the post-secondary institution, as they make decisions about their high school and post-secondary programming.

See GPPSD Administrative Procedure 366 - Dual Credit for more information.

Grande Prairie Public School Division supports students, in partnership with post-secondary institutions, in the enrolment and completion of their post-secondary courses. 

  • Tuition: The school division covers the student tuition portion of the post-secondary program. 
  • Fees: Students are responsible for post-secondary learning resource fees (LRF*) and a $300 GPPSD Caution Fee. See Administrative Procedure 367 - Dual Credit Caution Fees
  • Each Institution will have a Technology fee and may have an application fee payable directly to the Institution.
  • Reimbursement of Caution Fee: Upon successful completion of the course / program, the $300 GPPSD Caution Fee is reimbursed.

*LRF fees subject to change based on post-secondary rates.


Northwestern Polytechnic and Northern Lakes College logos

To see full course schedules and availability click

Dual Credit Program | Northwestern Polytechnic (nwpolytech.ca)

The Grande Prairie Public School Division is working with the Northwestern Polytechnic (NWP) to provide dual credit opportunities for students in a variety of areas.  

  • NWP offers full programs and individual courses. 
  • Application forms are available at NWP and from your high school career counsellor.
  • NWP charges a one-time non-refundable application fee and a technology fee payable to NWP.
  • $300 Caution Fee, payable to your GPPSD High School.
  • Students attend courses online and/or on-site at NWP.

GPPSD supports the following courses leading to these possible career pathways:


Career Pathways for future Accountants, Financial Analysists, Marketing Specialists, Management Professionals and more.

Courses Pre-requisite/
BA1010 Business Communications English 20-1 or 20-2 with a grade of 80% or higher, or
30-1 or 30-2 (in progress or complete)
Business Administration Cert/Dip, Bachelor of Business Administration, Office Cert/Dip
MG2000 Principles of Business English 20-1 or 20-2 with a grade of 80% or higher



Rewarding employment as Teachers, Educational Assistants, Day Care Educations and more.

Courses Pre-requisite/
HS2440 Human Development English 20-1, 30-1, or 30-2 (in progress or complete) Educational Assistant, Bachelor of Elementary Education, and Early Learning and Childcare Certificate and Diploma
HS2100 Supporting Inclusion in Early
Learning Environments



Impactful future as a Health Care Aide, Emergency Medical Responder, Primary Care Paramedic, and more.

Courses Pre-requisite/
HC1010 HCA Role & Responsibility English 10-2 with a grade of 60% or higher, complete Health Care Aide
HC1020 Human Body
HC1030 Communications in Health Care
HC1040 Person-Centered Care
HC1050 Clinical Placement I English 10-2 with a grade of 60% or higher, complete, in
addition to HC1010, HC1020, HC1030, HC1040
EM2500 Professional Paramedics Social Studies 10-1 or 20-2 Emergency Medical Responder Certificate and
Primary Care Paramedic Certificate
EM1600 Personal Health and Wellness Language Arts 10-1 Emergency Medical



Helpful avenues for Social Workers, Counsellors, Policy-Makers, Researchers, and more.

Courses Pre-requisite/
PY1040 Basic Psychological Processes English 30-1 (complete or in progress) Arts Diploma, University Transfer elective, Social
Work Diploma*, Bachelor of Social Work*, Bachelor
of Arts Psychology*, Bachelor of Health Sciences*
SO1000 Introductory Sociology English 30-1, (complete or in progress)
and Social 30-1 (complete or in progress)
Arts Diploma, University Transfer elective, Social
Work Diploma*, Bachelor of Social Work*
SW2010 Introduction to Social Work
HI2610 Canadian History 1867 to Present English 30-1, (complete or in progress)
and Social 30-1 (complete or in progress)
Arts Diploma, University Transfer elective, Electives
for other degree programs



Helpful avenues for Social Workers, Counsellors, Policy-Makers, Researchers, and more

Courses Pre-requisite/
TD1010 Introduction to the Trades
(Awaiting Approval)

Explore an array of Trades

Open to Grade 10 students

Note: Course offerings will be finalized upon Alberta Education approval in addition to meeting minimum enrolment in course sections. Specific semester dates will be confirmed upon release of the Academic Calendar.

Course offerings are only open to Dual Credit students, unless otherwise noted. Programs denoted with * are awaiting provincial approval.


Other Courses

Course Pre/Co Requisites
​PY1050:  Social and Individual Behavior ​PY1040
​NT1521:  Introduction to Cree 1 ​Eng 30-1 or 30-2 in progress/complete
​BA1110:  Introductory Financial Accounting ​Math 20-1 or 20-2 (>60%) English 30-1/30-2 in progress/ complete
​BA1090:  Introduction to Marketing ​English 30-1/30-2 completed by end of academic year
​BA1380:  Organizational Behaviour English 30-1 or 30-2 (in progress/ complete)
​EP3020:  Learning Development in Childhood
English 30-1 (in progress / complete)

* Students are responsible for cost of any LRF fees (course textbooks or materials).


To see full course schedules and availability click


The Grande Prairie Public School Division is working with Northern Lakes College (NLC) to provide dual credit opportunities for students in a variety of areas. 

  • NLC offers individual courses leading to full programs. 
  • Application forms are available online. Students must be approved by their high school prior to applying.
  • $300 Caution Fee, payable to your GPPSD High School
  • NLC Technology Fee will be charged directly to the student payable to NLC
  • Students attend courses online, with some programs including on-site lab components.

GPPSD supports the following courses:

Program Pre/Co Requisites
​Educational Assistant ​English 10-1 (60%) or 10-2 (70%) and Math 10-C or Math 10-3  English 30-1 (60%) or 30-2 (70%) to take ENGL1000 completed or be co-enrolled in English 30-1 or 30-2 to take LDER180, COMP2100, COMM 1000. 
Introduction to Surveying English 10-2, Math 10C or Math 20-3 
​Power Engineering 4th Class Math 10C (Completed) and English 20-2 (completed or co-enrolled)

Single University Transfer Courses

Course Pre/Co Requisites
​ENGL1000:  Introduction to English Language and Literature ​Pre: English 30-1 (60%) or 
English 30-2 (70%)
​COMM1000:  Communication for the Helping Profession ​CO: English 30-1 (60%) or 
English 30-2 (70%)
HEED1010:  Health Education:  Personal Health and Wellness ​CO:  English 30-1 or English 30-2
POLS1010:  Canadian Politics:  Institutions and Issues ​CO:  English 30-1 or English 30-2
STAT1410:  Introduction to Statistics PRE:  Math 30-1 or Math 20-1 or Math 20-2