Alberta Education Dual Credit
Dual Credit programming allows high school students to earn both high school credits and credits that count towards a post-secondary certificate, diploma, or degree, and or a journeyman certificate.
Dual Credit helps students to:
- get a start on their post-secondary education while still in high school.
- complete high school while engaging in meaningful curriculum.
- transition to post-secondary studies or move into the world of work.
- potentially complete post-secondary with less financial debt.
For more information, visit Alberta Education Dual Credit Website:
Students and parents need to consider if Dual Credit programming is the right fit. Post-secondary courses have increased expectation and timelines that students will need to manage alongside their regular high school programming.
Many of the courses incorporate on-line programming. Students will be responsible for attending virtual or on-site sessions and meeting post-secondary timelines and expectations.
In addition, the completion of post-secondary course/programs through Dual Credit has the possibility of affecting first year post-secondary awards, bursaries, scholarships, athletic standing, and experiencing limited transferability of some post-secondary programs.
Students should always consult with their high school career counselor, or the post-secondary institution, as they make decisions about their high school and post-secondary programming.
See GPPSD Administrative Procedure 366 - Dual Credit for more information.
Grande Prairie Public School Division supports students, in partnership with post-secondary institutions, in the enrolment and completion of their post-secondary courses.
- Tuition: The school division covers the student tuition portion of the post-secondary program.
- Fees: Students are responsible for post-secondary learning resource fees (LRF*) and a $300 GPPSD Caution Fee. See Administrative Procedure 367 - Dual Credit Caution Fees
- Each Institution will have a Technology fee and may have an application fee payable directly to the Institution.
- Reimbursement of Caution Fee: Upon successful completion of the course / program, the $300 GPPSD Caution Fee is reimbursed.
*LRF fees subject to change based on post-secondary rates.