Our Schools

Contact GPPSD Today

Phone 780-532-4491
Fax 780-539-4265
10127 120 Ave., Grande Prairie, AB
T8V 8H8
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Making A Difference For Students

Your donation will make a direct, positive impact on GPPSD students.

Donate Today!

For other ways to donate, please contact:

Shera Crichton
Executive Assistant Business Services

Grande Prairie Public School Division
10127 120 Avenue
Grande Prairie, AB T8V 8H8

Telephone: 780-532-4491 Ext. 1041

  • Charitable donation receipts are issued for donations of $20 or more
  • Charitable Registration # 888846037RR0001

We take in-kind donations, please CONTACT US to discuss your donation.

You may make your gift in memory of a loved one, in honour of a special person, or in celebration of a special occasion. We are pleased to notify the family or individual about the donation made in their honour with a tribute card. Please CONTACT US to discuss your wishes.

Thank you for making a difference! We are grateful for you and consider you a Friend of Education.

As a Friend of Education, you join a group of individuals and business leaders in Grande Prairie who understand and have a vested interest in public education. Your support shows your commitment to understanding how public education is directly related to the health and well-being of our community. Thank you!