The Physiotherapy department provides services to children with severe disabilities and children in our preschool programs.
A School based physical therapist evaluates the child’s ability to function in the school environment, including the classroom, playground, cafeteria, etc. A school PT may make recommendations for physical therapy if the child demonstrates difficulty accessing these environments or participating with other children in these environments due to a disability. The PT may consider:
- Can the child sit in a classroom chair without assistance?
- Can the child get up off the floor after circle time without assistance?
- Can the child safely ascend and descend stairs or ramps in the school?
- Can the child participate in appropriate activities at school? independently?
- Can the child access the drinking fountain at school without loss of balance?
- Can the child stand independently?
- Can the child walk safely and independently (i.e. through a busy hallway), walk safely with an assistive device (like a walker or forearm crutches), propel their wheelchair safely and independently through the school environment?