Alberta Education provides funding to school jurisdictions to access multi-disciplinary services. The 6 participating school jurisdictions (Grande Prairie Public School District, Holy Family School Division, Northern Gateway Public Schools, Peace River School Division, Peace Wapiti Public School Division and some Northland Schools)pooled their funds in order to support access to the PCS multi-disciplinary team. The PCS team endeavors to help build capacity and support specialized assessment, consultation and programming, while supporting teachers, educational assistants, and other professionals better understand and adapt to the unique needs of their students.
For PCS, partners are committed to working together to realize a shared goal of improved effective and efficient services. School personnel process student referrals and manage the school priorities and caseloads.
Continuum of Supports and Services
Examples of supports and services which might be provided throughout the continuum are provided on the following pages:
The above pages provide an extensive list of supports but merely a sample of what should be considered at each level. Each school and school division will design these supports specific to their own context and availability of services.
It would be advantageous for a staff to articulate the supports and services which are available to them in their school and community. A well-articulated pyramid can become a method for sharing best practice as well as create a menu of supports when determining next steps for student intervention.