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T8V 8H8
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golf academy banner image

The Golf Academy will help our students improve in all aspects of their game. From pre-shot routine to swing mechanics to mental preparation, The Academy Golf will make an impact with all of our student-athletes. Academy Golf 9-12 will be based out of the Grande Prairie Golf and Country club. Instruction will be provided by a teaching pro out of the club.

student on putting green
students on driving range

Schools hosting:

  • Charles Spencer High School Gr 9-12

Grade 9-12: Quarter 4, every day from 2:00pm-3:30pm. Transportation is provided to location with parent pick up.

Tuition for 2023-2024: $1600

Includes: Academy Clothing ($100), instruction, transportation (one way), and a membership for the season at the Grande Prairie Golf and Country Club.

Program offerings are dependent on meeting minimum enrollment numbers.

For more information contact the Principal of your program hosting school

Golf - Hockey/Soccer/Dance Hybrid

Students can split their focus between golf and another sport such as hockey, soccer or dance. For students in grades 9-10, Hockey/Soccer operates semester 1, and golf operates quarter 4.

Schools hosting:

  • Charles Spencer High School Gr 9-12

Tuition for HYBRID Programs 2023-2024

Grade 9-12
Golf-Hockey: $3000/yr (1 semester Hockey, 1 Quarter Golf)
Golf-Soccer: $3200/yr (1 semester Soccer, 1 Quarter Golf)
Golf-Dance: $3400/yr (3/4 Dance, 1 Quarter Golf)

See Golf Calendars HERE