GPPSD 2024 Edwin Parr Nomination: Riverstone Public School's Rayanne Beby

The Board of Trustees of the Grande Prairie Public School Division (GPPSD) are proud to announce Rayanne Beby, an inspiring grade 5/6 teacher at Riverstone Public School, as their Edwin Parr Nominee for the 2023-2024 school year. The Edwin Parr Award is sponsored by the Alberta School Boards Association (ASBA) and is an annual award recognizing outstanding first-year teachers across the province.
A truly homegrown talent, Rayanne pursued her education locally, attending and graduating from GPPSD schools. She achieved her teaching degree from the Teacher Education North Program at Northwestern Polytechnic before returning to inspire our students.
“Rayanne has quickly distinguished herself with her commitment to leadership, inclusivity and support in her classroom. Her teaching style incorporates fairness, respect, and integrity and deep care for her students.”
- Jill Burgess, Principal at Riverstone
“Rayanne’s innovative methods and commitment to adapting to her students' diverse learning needs exemplify qualities that define excellent teaching. Her ability to integrate social-emotional learning with academic instruction helps nurture well-rounded, successful students."
- Sandy McDonald, Superintendent, GPPSD
Taking advantage of our division’s new teacher mentorship program alongside her own critical reflection, Rayanne has significantly advanced her instructional strategies in a short time. “She integrates technology effectively and employs evidence-based teaching methods that significantly boost her students' academic performance and social-emotional skills,” explains Burgess.
Most importantly, Rayanne fosters a classroom environment where respect and empathy are the norm, laying a solid foundation for our students to become lifelong learners, says Burgess.
Congratulations on your nomination Rayanne, and your dedication to student success!
About The Edwin Parr Award
Division Information
Grande Prairie Public School Division
Phone: 780-532-4491