Chris Johnston
I moved to Grande Prairie in 2016 after graduating from the University of Alberta, so I am a relative newcomer to the city. I was elected for my first term as a school board trustee in October 2021! For me the best part of being a Trustee is, it has been amazing to meet the people working in the public school system and see their incredible passion for students. A lot of times their work is behind the scenes and unnoticed, but I have been consistently impressed by the rigour and care which our staff bring to every aspect of their work. I have two toddlers and I work as a mechanical engineer, so that takes up most of my time. Grande Prairie is an amazing and vibrant city in which I am excited to bring up my children. We love experiencing the beautiful scenery and using the trail system through Muskoseepi, as well as nearby camping and hiking. Above all, the safety, well-being, and success of our students is important to me in regard to public education. Education is the silver bullet for class mobility and advancement. I believe that equitable access to education for all, regardless of where you're coming from or how wealthy you are, is crucial to our long-term success as a society. I am also passionate about STEM fields and education and am excited to see how these can be further developed and expanded in GPPSD programming to increase the breadth and depth of learning opportunities available for students. The GPPSD three-year educational plan identifies teaching & learning, leadership, and inclusion as our core priorities. I think these are worthy goals, and I have seen them exemplified in the work of our district staff at all levels. I also strongly believe in evidence-based decision making and forward-thinking proactive measures to ensure the stability and success of the public school system for years to come.